- Instruction VP-P13-9308, dated 28.12.2011, of the Chairman of the Russian Government, V.V. Putin (Incoming № 6-dsp (for official use only), dated 06.01.2012)
- Instruction IS-P12-80, dated 12.01.2012, of the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, I.I. Sechin (Incoming № 229-dsp, dated 16.01.2012)
- Instruction IS-P13-127, dated 13.01.2012, of the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, I.I. Sechin (Incoming № 272-dsp, dated 17.01.2012)
- Instruction IS-P13-283, dated 23.01.2012, of the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, I.I. Sechin (Incoming № 522-dsp, dated 25.01.2012)
- Instruction IS-P13-351, dated 25.01.2012, of the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, I.I. Sechin (Incoming № 623-dsp, dated 30.01.2012)
- Instruction IS-P13-498, dated 30.01.2012, of the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, I.I. Sechin (Incoming № 709-dsp, dated 01.02.2012)
- Instruction IS-P13-571, dated 03.02.2012, of the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, I.I. Sechin (Incoming № 829-dsp, dated 04.02.2012)
- Instruction VP-P24-1269, dated 05.07.2012, of the Chairman of the Russian Government, V.V. Putin (Incoming № 1878, dated 07.03.2012)
- Instruction IS-P13-1542, dated 20.03.2012, of the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, I.I. Sechin (Incoming № 2371-dsp, dated 22.03.2012)
- Instruction IS-P13-2840, dated 18.05.2012, of Acting Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, I.I. Sechin (Incoming № 4510-dsp, dated 24.05.2012)
Clause 3
- to ensure submission before January 10, 2012 to the Russian Government, respective federal executive authorities, Rosfinmonitoring and the Federal Tax Service of Russia of information on income, property and property liabilities of management (including members of boards of directors (supervisory boards)) both with respect to the managers themselves and their immediate relatives (in electronic form, in PDF, TIFF formats);
- to ensure compliance by Company officers (above the level of deputy head) and provide respective documents. To report on execution within 5 days;
- to take decisions with respect to the job status of all officers who fail to submit such information. To report on decisions taken with respect to each officer to the Russian Government together with supporting documents. To report on execution within 5 days;
- to submit information on income, property and property liabilities in full within 5 days;
- to ensure auditing against any concealment of facts of participation in the business of commercial organizations in the submitted information and report on measures taken in each instance, when such concealment is discovered. To report on execution within 10 days;
- to ensure inclusion in contracts with Company officers (including employment and civil-law contracts) of clauses stipulating provision to tax authorities of consents to public disclosure of their information on income, property and property liabilities.
Clause 4:
- to ensure disclosure by counterparties in current contracts of information on the whole chain of their owners, including beneficiaries (including ultimate beneficiaries), as related to all groups of companies, including subsidiaries and affiliates, confirmed by respective documents (in electronic form, in MS Word or MS Excel formats);
- in making pre-contract preparations, including preparations for signing of new contracts, necessarily to provide disclosure by contractors of information on their whole chain of owners, including beneficiaries (inclusive of ultimate beneficiaries), confirmed by the respective documents, before January 10, 2012;
- to make changes within two weeks to internal documents, according to which non-provision by the contractor of information on the whole chain of owners, including beneficiaries (inclusive of ultimate beneficiaries) shall prohibit conclusion of new contracts and involve termination of current contracts;
- monthly, no later than on the 5th day of the month following the reporting month, to provide information on contracts, which have been made, including information on the whole chain of the contractor’s owners, including beneficiaries (including ultimate beneficiaries), confirmed by respective documents;
- in case of any changes in the chain of the contractor’s owners, including beneficiaries (including ultimate beneficiaries) and (or) in the contractor’s executive bodies, to provide information no later than 10 days after such changes
Executed. (№. GD-741-dsp, dated 26.03.2012) |
- Instruction IS-P12-458, dated 29.01.2012, of the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, I.I. Sechin (Incoming № 774, dated 02.02.2012)
To assess the needs of their affiliate medical institutions for appropriate medical equipment before 01.04.2012 |
Information was submitted to the Russian Ministry of Trade and Industry (№ ID-543, dated 11.03.2012, № 121-699, dated 20.03.2012) |
- Clause 26 of the List of Instructions ISh-P16-1020, dated 22.02.2012, given by the First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, I.I. Shuvalov during a working visit to the Far Eastern Federal District from January 31, 2012 to February 03, 2012 (Incoming № 1484, dated 27.02.2012)
To submit informational and analytical materials to the Russian Government concerning:
- development of the route network of interregional and local air transportation of passengers in the Far East;
- increase in the number of airports used for passenger transportation;
- carrying out of the above-mentioned transportation tasks by existing and new Russian airline companies;
- support and incentive mechanisms for such transportation.
Information was submitted to Rosaviatsia (№. 205-66, dated 13.03.2012) |
- Instruction VZ-P4-1033, dated 22.02.2012, of the First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, V.A. Zubkov (Incoming № 1564, dated 28.02.2012)
To set up a working group before 16.04.2012 and prepare a draft concept before 20.12.2012 for development of the cynology service (based on an initiative by JSC Aeroflot, dated 27.09.2011, outgoing document № GD-3665) |
Results of interdepartmental tests were submitted to the Russian Federal Guard Service (FSO) of Russia, the Federal Security Service (FSB), the Ministry of the Interior (MVD), the Federal Customs Service (FTS), the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN), the Ministry for Emergency Situations (MChS), the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Transport, JSC Russian Railways (RZD), Rosatom, Transneft, Rosmorport and Sovkomflot Outgoing № GD-2012, dated 23.08.2012; Outgoing № GD-2013, dated 23.08.2012 The initiative was supported by the FSKN (Incoming № 7769, dated 26.09.2012) and the MChS of Russia (Incoming № 7915, dated 02.10.2012) The initiative was rejected by the Ministry of Transport (Incoming № 8264, dated 11.10.2012) |
- Instruction Pr-639, dated 11.03.2012, of the President, D.A. Medvedev
(Incoming № 2084, dated 15.03.2012)
The Ministry of Transport of Russia together with JSC Aeroflot to prepare and report proposals concerning the future of airline companies (remarks by the Governor of Krasnodar Territory, A.N. Tkachev, to the President of Russia concerning organization of air transportation in Krasnodar Territory) |
The position of JSC Aeroflot on this issue was submitted to the Governor of Krasnodar Territory, A.N. Tkachev (№. GD-428, dated 24.02.2012) |
- List of Instructions Pr-3668, dated 06.12.2011, of the President of Russia following a meeting on 28.10.2011 of the International Advisory Council for establishment and development of an international financial center in Russia Minutes № VP-P13-56pr, dated 20.10.2012, of a meeting held with the Chairman of the Russian Government, V.V. Putin (Incoming № 3210, dated 16.04.2012)
Clause 4: To dispose of shares of JSC Aeroflot in federal ownership in order to attract long-term portfolio investment to support the quality of airline services provided and Company corporate governance (to consider the issue of non-core asset disposal at a meeting of the Board of Directors) |
Disposal of non-core assets was considered by the Board of Directors of JSC Aeroflot on 26.07.2012. A schedule for the disposal was approved (extract from Minutes № 83/PrSD, dated 08.08.2012). Information was placed at the JSC Aeroflot “virtual office” on the Government’s interdepartmental portal. (№. 09-1785, dated 30.07.2012) |
- Directives 1710p-P13, dated 30.03.2012, issued to Russian Government representatives for participation in meetings of boards of directors (supervisory boards) of open joint-stock companies with Government participation (Incoming № 3328, dated 18.04.2012)
To hold a meeting of the Board of Directors (supervisory boards) before 01.05.2012, and to draft and approve proposals for voluntary mechanisms of environmental responsibility of the open joint-stock company, to draft and approve proposals concerning mandatory regular publication of non-financial sustainable development reports |
Voluntary mechanisms of environmental responsibility within JSC Aeroflot were considered by the Board of Directors of JSC Aeroflot on April 04, 2012 (extract from Minutes № 53/PrSd, dated 23.04.2012) It was decided to approve the proposals for voluntary mechanisms of environmental responsibility at the Company. BoD meeting 23.04.2012 |
- Voluntary mechanisms of environmental responsibility within JSC Aeroflot were considered by the Board of Directors of JSC Aeroflot on April 04, 2012 (extract from Minutes № 53/PrSd, dated 23.04.2012) It was decided to approve the proposals for voluntary mechanisms of environmental responsibility at the Company
The Ministry of Transport of Russia together with JSC Aeroflot to review the issue of compensation by the federal budget of expenses incurred by JSC Aeroflot and JSC Vladivostok Air for transportation of passengers of JSC Dalavia and Interavia Airlines and to report the proposals, which are agreed. |
Proposals by JSC Aeroflot were submitted to the Ministry of Transport of Russia (№. GD-247, dated 07.02.2012, № GD-504, dated 05.03.2012, № GD-1374, dated 06.06.2012). The Russian Ministry of Transport decided that Aeroflot’s claims should be included in the third-priority group in the register of claims by creditors of JSC Dalavia and Interavia Airlines (Incoming № 2095, dated 15.03.2012) |
- Instruction AV-P7-2616, dated 04.05.2012, of the Head of the Executive Office of the Government of the Russian Federation (with ministerial status), A.E. Vaino
(Incoming № 3893, dated 10.05.2012)
To add information on vacant positions to the database of the Federal Portal of Managerial Staff (federal state information system) and keep the database up to date. |
A report was sent to S.M. Nechayeva at the Ministry of Health and Social Development (№. 301-1072, dated 15.08.2012) |
- A report was sent to S.M. Nechayeva at the Ministry of Health and Social Development (№. 301-1072, dated 15.08.2012)
Clause 1: To designate spokesmen and ensure submission to the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee of materials, reports and presentations specified in the schedule of the fifth visit by experts of the International Olympic Committee (in the Russian and English languages). |
Materials (a presentation entitled “Service on board of aircraft, including the passenger alert system”) were submitted to the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee on 12.05.2012 |
- Instruction DM-P9-3804, dated 03.07.2012, of the Chairman of the Russian Government, D.A. Medvedev
(Incoming № 5734, dated 09.07.2012)
To submit proposals before 15.10.2012 on candidates to the Federal Reserve of Managerial Staff, using the Federal Portal of Managerial Staff |
Proposals were sent to the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, A. Dvorkovich (№. GD-2450-dsp, dated 15.10.2012) |
- Instruction AD-P17-4145, dated 20.07.2012, of the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, A.V. Dvorkovich
(Incoming № 6086, dated 23.07.2012)
To submit proposals before 15.10.2012 on candidates to the Federal Reserve of Managerial Staff, using the Federal Portal of Managerial Staff |
Proposals were sent to the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, A. Dvorkovich (№. GD-2450-dsp, dated 15.10.2012) |
- Instruction AD-P17-4145, dated 20.07.2012, of the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, A.V. Dvorkovich (Incoming № 6086, dated 23.07.2012)
To submit proposals before 15.10.2012 on candidates to the Federal Reserve of Managerial Staff, using the Federal Portal of Managerial Staff. Proposals were sent to the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, A. Dvorkovich
(№. GD-2450-dsp, dated 15.10.2012)
To consider possible consolidation of state assets (Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo and Domodedovo airports) and of other property, necessary for strategic tasks, development and operation of a new united company (the Moscow Air Hub) |
Remarks by JSC Aeroflot on the draft technical specifications for recruitment of a consultant for the Moscow Air Hub development model were not fully addressed, the remarks were submitted to V.M. Okulov at the Ministry of Transport (№. 208-403, dated 12.10.2012) |
- Instruction AD-P9-4404, dated 01.08.2012, of the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, A.V. Dvorkovich
(Incoming № 6464, dated 06.08.2012)
To review and submit coordinated proposals and a draft report to the President of Russia concerning support for the establishment by AAR Corporation and JSC Aeroflot of a joint maintenance and repair business. To be carried out by 13.08.2012 |
The position of JSC Aeroflot was submitted to the Ministry of Transport (the draft report was prepared jointly by employees of the Ministry of Transport, Rosaviatsia, I.V. Parkhin and Bain company) (№. TD-1866, dated 07.08.2012) |
- Instruction DK-P9-5217, dated 04.09.2012, of the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, D.N. Kozak
(Incoming № 7324, dated 10.09.2012)
Clause 1: to designate spokesmen and ensure submission to the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee of materials, reports and presentations specified in the schedule of the sixth visit of experts of the International Olympic Committee (in the Russian and English languages) together with persons responsible for cooperation with the Organizing Committee during the preparation of the visit To be carried out by 17.09.2012 |
JSC Aeroflot provided the requested transport information on the Moscow — Sochi flight schedule during preparations for the 6th visit of the International Olympic Committee. A report and presentation were prepared. The speech was delivered on 27.09.2012 |
- Instruction DK-P9-5296, dated 08.09.2012, of the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, D.N. Kozak (Incoming № 7370, dated 11.09.2012)
To submit the plan for organization of regular flights to Sochi, including international flights, for the winter 2014 flight schedule in order to ensure guaranteed transportation of anticipated passengers numbers for the said period, taking account of the Olympic Games To be carried out by 01.12.2012 |
Information was submitted to Rosaviatsia accompanied by Aeroflot’s regular flight plan for the Winter 2013/2014 season (№. 205.08-347, dated 23.11.2012) |
- Directives 4965p-P13, dated 17.09.2012, to Russian Government representatives for participation in meetings of boards of directors (supervisory boards) of joint-stock companies included in the special list approved by Russian Government Decree № 91-p, dated January 23, 2003 (Incoming № 7536, dated 18.09.2012)
Instruction AD-P13-5587, dated 21.09.2012, of the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, A.V. Dvorkovich (Incoming № 7675, dated 24.09.2012)
To hold a meeting of the Board of Directors (supervisory boards) before 20.09.2012 and consider grounds for the disposal of core assets in economic sectors, which have a sufficient level of competition (the purposes of such disposal include maximum involvement of small and medium-sized businesses) |
Grounds for the disposal of core assets were considered by the Board of Directors of JSC Aeroflot on September 27, 2012 (extract from Minutes
№ 115/PrSD, dated 10.10.2012).
It was decided that there are not sufficient grounds for preparation and approval of a programme for disposal of JSC Aeroflot core assets.
- Instruction AD-P9-6920, dated 16.11.2012, of the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, A.V. Dvorkovich (in response to the letter from JSC Aeroflot №. GD-2635, dated 06.11.2012, “On making changes to the Rules for formation and application of tariffs for regular air transportation of passengers and baggage”) (Incoming No. 9255, dated 21.11.2012)
The Russian Ministry of Transport and JSC Aeroflot to review and submit coordinated proposals on changes to rules for formation and application of tariffs for regular air transportation of passengers and baggage, collection of civil aviation duties, as approved by Order № 155, dated 25.09.2008, of the Russian Ministry of Transport |
Aeroflot’s proposals were submitted to the Ministry of Transport of Russia (№. GD-1744, dated 25.07.2012; № GD-2898, dated 05.12.2012) |
- Instruction AD-P9-7529, dated 10.12.2012, of the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, A.V. Dvorkovich
(in response to letter № 11-2865, dated 30.11.2012, regarding certification works for the Вoeing 777-300 ER)
(Incoming № 9774, dated 12.12.2012)
The Russian Ministry of Transport of Russia together with Interstate Aviation Committee, JSC Aeroflot and Boeing to ensure timely commencement of operations with Вoeing В777-300ЕR aircraft before 31.01. 2013.
To report results to the Russian Government.
To submit an interim report before 15.01.2013
As outlined in a telegram from Rosaviatsia, JSC Aeroflot is permitted to operate Вoeing 777-300ER aircraft with effect from 04.02.2013.
Incoming № 657, dated 05.02.2012.
Order № 63 was issued, dated 13.02.2013, “On Commencement of Operation by JSC Aeroflot of В777-300ER Aircraft”