Appendixes / Terms and abbreviations used in this Annual Report
- Aeroflot Group — All of the companies (self-sufficient legal persons), linked by financial and economic ties, which carry out coordinated business on the air transport market, of which JSC Aeroflot is the head (parent) company and corporate center, based on its significant or dominant stakes in the other companies.
- Aviation security — Protection of air traffic from illegal interference, all the measures and resources necessary for achieving such protection.
- BSP/ARC (Billing and Settlement Plan/Airline Reporting Corporation) — Systems for settlement between agents and airlines. BSP is an international settlement system between agents and airlines organized by IATA, which enables sales of air transport services on neutral forms (not assigned to any specific airline), helps airlines to expand their presence on the air transport market, minimizes financial risks, lowers expenses on maintenance of the sales system, and speeds up the accounting system by use of electronic technologies. The purpose of BSP is to raise the efficiency of interactions between airlines and agent networks. ARC is a system used in the USA, which is analogous to BSP.
- Cargo load factor — Ratio of tonne-kilometers actually flown to maximum tonne-kilometer capacity, expressed in percent.
- Code sharing — An agreement on joint use of route codes, enabling one and the same route to be sold by two companies under their own brands and with a distinct route number for each company. Either of the airlines in the agreement can be the actual provider of transport service on the route.
- Electronic ticket (e-ticket) — A way of documenting sale and control of air transport without record of a physical medium (special accounting form). All information relating to transport of a specific passenger (routes, fare, service class, sum paid, duties, etc.) is contained in an electronic ticket file, located in a data base of the relevant carrier. E-tickets are not necessarily associated with sale of transport services via the Internet, although it is simpler to sell electronic tickets than ordinary tickets via the Internet.
- Flight safety — Capacity to provide air transport services without risk to people’s life or health.
- Hub — Term used to describe an airport where transport routes converge and where there is a large share of transit passengers, including airports where the timetable of incoming and outgoing flights is organized in such a way as to minimize transit time between any one flight and the maximum number of other flights.
- IATA (International Air Transportation Association) — An international association created in 1945 for development of cooperation between airlines in order to ensure safety, reliability and cost efficiency of flights in the interests of consumers. Members of the association now include 270 airlines from 140 countries worldwide. The address of the IATA web site is:
- ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) — Created as a result of the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation, signed in 1944. The ICAO is a specialized institution within the UN, responsible for the development of international standards, recommended practice and rules in the technical, economic and legal realms of international civil aviation. The address of the ICAO web site is:
- IOSA (International Operational Safety Audit) — An international audit of operational safety, which includes the following aspects of airline operations: organization and management system; flight operations; aircraft engineering and maintenance; ground handling; operational control and flight dispatch; cabin crew; aviation security; cargo operations and transport of hazardous cargos
- ISO — International Organization for Standardization.
- ISO 9000 — A series of international standards for creation of a quality control system at an enterprise, consisting of a number of prescriptions for raising efficiency of business processes.
- JSC Aeroflot — Open Joint Stock Company Aeroflot — Russian Airlines, created by Russian Government Orders № 267 (01.04.1993) and № 314 (12.04.1994), carrying out air transportation of passengers, baggage, mail and cargo, and also providing services based on an operator’s certificate and the appropriate licenses.
- Market capitalization — Total market value of the shares of a company.
- Marketing partner — a party and/or airline, which has the right to use its code on the flight of a partner operator and to show its code under the “carrier” heading on tickets for a code-sharing flight, but which does not carry out technical and ground handling or operating control of the aircraft, which makes the code-sharing flight.
- Passenger kilometer — Transport of one passenger over a distance of one kilometer.
- Passenger load factor — Ratio of the number of revenue passenger kilometers flown to total available seat kilometers, expressed in percent.
- Passenger turnover — Measure of the volume of air transport operations, calculated by multiplying the factual number of paying passengers carried on each stage of a flight by the distance of the flight stage; expressed in passenger kilometers.
- Seat kilometer — Measure of an airline’s passenger carrying capacity, based on one seat flying a distance of one kilometer.
- TCC — Transport and Clearing Chamber.
- Tonne-kilometer (tkm) — Transport of one ton of paying load (passengers at 90kg per passenger, cargo and post) over a distance of one kilometer.