Business overview / Servicing and repairs
Aeroflot has an efficient system of aircraft servicing and repairs, which provides high levels of flight safety and flight regularity by ensuring good working order and reliability of the fleet. The Company strives to optimize servicing and repair costs while maintaining the highest service standards in the industry.
Matching changes in the Company’s organizational structure, servicing and repair tasks were assigned to two separate divisions in 2012: the Airworthiness Department and the Aircraft Maintenance Department. The reorganization has improved management processes related to servicing and repair, and raised efficiency in this sphere of Company’s operations. Better coordination between the Company’s technical services led to an improvement of indicators that measure good working order of the aircraft fleet in 2012 compared with 2011.
As Aeroflot continued to restructure its fleet by adding new aircraft in 2012 the Company also set up its own maintenance operations for newly acquired aircraft. Retraining of personnel and development of the required operating facilities has enabled the Company to carry out in-house servicing of SSJ-100 aircraft. The Company also continued preparations for in-house technical servicing of Boeing 777s and of Boeing 737NG aircraft, which are scheduled to join the fleet in future periods. As well as servicing its own fleet, the Company provided maintenance and repair services to 76 third-party organizations in 2012.
Substantial work is planned in 2013 for receipt and integration of 13 Airbus A320s and 4 Boeing 777-300ERs to the fleet, withdrawal of 3 Boeing 767s and 6 Airbus A320s, and exchange of 7 light-configuration SSJ-100s for full-configuration aircraft.
In December 2012 Aeroflot received confirmation from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) that its certificate for maintenance of aircraft manufactured by Boeing and Airbus had been extended to August 2014. Audits carried out by specialists of the EASA Aircraft Maintenance Department confirmed high levels of qualification of Aeroflot’s quality management staff, aircraft technicians, engineers, middle and senior managers, and skilled workers.
In 2012 Aeroflot developed a programme of innovation projects aimed at reducing costs and improving efficiency in engineering and maintenance activities. The programme includes a change in the ratio between volumes of work carried out in-house and outsourced. Activities of the Aircraft Maintenance Department will be extended in several areas, helping to optimize costs. Programme implementation is scheduled for 2013.