Corporate governance / Information disclosure

Aeroflot strives to adhere to the best practices of disclosure and strictly complies in this area with the requirements of Russian law, including:

In organizing disclosure the Company also takes into account rules prescribed by market makers on the Russian securities market, recommendations of the Code of Corporate Conduct prepared by the Federal Commission on the Securities Market, and its own Statute on Corporate Information Policy.

The Company ensures timely disclosure of information about its business results, material facts, information that could influence the share price, lists of affiliated parties, and quarterly and annual reports. Aeroflot has a rating from Fitch Ratings agency, which confirms the high level of financial transparency achieved by JSC Aeroflot.

As part of work to improve disclosure and increase investment appeal, briefings were held in 2012 for representatives of the investment community to coincide with release of consolidated financial results of Aeroflot Group for 2011, the first half-year and nine months of 2012. The representatives of more than 20 investment companies and banks took part in these events.

Other important interactions with the investment community in 2012 included:

In 2012 the Company’s information disclosure efforts were highly rated by the Moscow Exchange at the 15th Annual Competition of Annual Reports: