Corporate governance / Meetings of Shareholders in 2012
The General Meeting of Shareholders is the Company’s supreme governing body. Competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders is defined by the Company Charter in accordance with the Federal Law on Joint-Stock Companies. Company shareholders participate in management by taking decisions at General Meetings of Shareholders. The procedure for calling and holding a General Meeting of Shareholders is prescribed by the Company Charter and Statute on the General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC Aeroflot.
The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, held on June 25, 2012 approved the following items (Minutes № 32, dated June 28, 2012):
- Order of the day, regulations on conduct of voting, membership of working bodies of the General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC Aeroflot.
- The Annual Report of JSC Aeroflot for 2011.
- Annual financial accounts, including the profit and loss account, of JSC Aeroflot for the 2011 financial year.
- Distribution of income of JSC Aeroflot for the 2011 financial year, including payment (announcement) of dividends.
- Payment of dividends of RUB 1.8081 per share in cash on JSC Aeroflot shares for the 2011 financial year in the period from June 26 to August 24, 2012.
- Election to the Board of Directors of JSC Aeroflot of the following members: Sergey Vladimirovich Aleksashenko, Kirill Gennadievich Androsov, Aleksey Andreevich Germanovich, Igor Vladimirovich Kogan, Igor Arnoldovich Lozhevsky, Aleksey Anatolievich Navalny, Gleb Sergeyevich Nikitin, Vitaly Gennadievich Saveliev, Dmitry Petrovich Saprykin, Aleksander Vasilievich Tikhonov, Sergey Viktorovich Chemezov.
- Election to the Revision Committee of JSC Aeroflot of the following members: Marina Kimovna Demina, Sergey Aleksandrovich Pakhomov, Igor Vyacheslavovich Belikov, Vera Grigorievna Mironova, Aleksey Aleksandrovich Uchenov.
- Appointment of JSC BDO audit company as the auditor of JSC Aeroflot for 2012.
- Payment of remuneration due to members of the Board of Directors.
- Amended version of the Charter of JSC Aeroflot.
- Amendment to the Statute on the Board of Directors of JSC Aeroflot.
- A number of related party transactions.