Corporate social responsibility / Charity and social programmes

Aeroflot is a good corporate citizen in all regions where it operates. The Company continued to carry out social support and charity programmes in a number of priority areas during the reporting year.

Support for vulnerable social groups

Assistance to orphanages

Aeroflot provided assistance to a number of orphanages in 2012 as part of its Year of the Child programme. The amounts paid and beneficiary orphanages were as follows:

Miles of Mercy

Aeroflot has been a participant for many years in the Miles of Mercy charity programme, which provides assistance to children with serious illnesses. The action enables participants of the Aeroflot Bonus programme to contribute their bonus miles to the accounts of charitable organizations taking part in the programme, including the Give Life charitable fund, the Russian Assistance Fund operated by Kommersant Publishing House, and the Line of Life fund. The contributed miles are used to carry children with oncological illnesses, haematological conditions, conditions of the heart, nervous system, and vestibular system, innate brain and vascular conditions, and cerebral palsy. A total of 10,501 tickets were contributed to the Miles of Mercy project in 2012.

Train of Hope

In 2012 Aeroflot took part for the sixth time in the national charity action, Train of Hope, organized by Radio Russia as part of its Child’s Question social project. The train visits cities where, as statistics show, there are particularly large numbers of parentless children. The purpose of the action is to draw the attention of society, business representatives, executive government and law-makers to the issue of children without parents, to provide assistance to such children and to organize meetings with potential adopters. Aeroflot provided 40 free tickets for air carriage of project participants in 2012.

Comrades in Arms

Aeroflot carries out its Comrades in Arms action every year to mark VE Day. The action enables veterans of the Great Patriotic War, concentration camp survivors, and survivors of the Siege of Leningrad to travel to Europe and distant Russian cities free of charge. Aeroflot was the first Russian airline to offer World War II veterans free travel on its flights (in 2001). About 3,500 people took advantage of the opportunity in 2012.

Support for social organizations

Aeroflot provided support to a number of social organizations in 2012, including the Romashka (“Daisy”) children’s cancer foundation, Under the Flag of Goodness, the Kovcheg (“Ark”) social organization for the disabled, the Russian Society for the Disabled, Fakel [“Torch”] for Disabled People of Bashkiria, Health of the Motherland, the Dolphin organization for the disabled, the Specialized Foundation for Endowment, Support and Development of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, the Rostov Mercy and Health regional charitable foundation, the Astrakhan Support Organization for Children with Disabilities, the Russian Society of Disabled People of Krasnoyarsk Region, and many others.

Special-rate tickets for specific social groups

Aeroflot took part during 2012 in the Government’s subsidized travel programme benefiting residents of the Russian Far East. Special-rate return tickets were made available to Russian citizens aged under 23 and over 60 (55 for women) for economy-class travel between Moscow and cities in the Far East (Vladivostok, Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Khabarovsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Yakutsk, Chita, Blagoveshchensk and Ulan-Ude). In 2012 Aeroflot also provided transport to and from Central Russia at special rates for people living in Kaliningrad and Kaliningrad Region.

Support for Russian sport

Aeroflot runs a large-scale programme of support for Russian sport. The Company sponsors major international sports events as well as supporting Aeroflot’s own sports teams.

Aeroflot is an established sponsor of the professional football club, CSKA, the Russian Chess Federation and a number of other sports and social projects, and also sponsors the Brooklyn Nets basketball club. The traditional Aeroflot Open Chess Tournament was held for the 11th time in 2012. The Company acts as general carrier for Tournament participants and allocates money for the prize fund.

Aeroflot was the official carrier for the Russian Olympic Team at the 30th Olympic Games held in London in 2012 and the Company also carried Russian football fans to the EURO 2012 championship. Aeroflot is an official partner of the 27th World Student Games, which will be held in Kazan in 2013. The Company is developing a working partnership with the Organizing Committee for the 22nd Winter Olympics and 11th Paralympics, to be held in 2014 in the Russian city of Sochi.

General Partner of the 22nd Winter Olympics and 11th Paralympics 2014 in Sochi General Partner of the 22nd Winter Olympics and 11th Paralympics 2014 in Sochi
Official Partner of the 27th World Student Games 2013 in Kazan Official Partner of the 27th World Student Games 2013 in Kazan
Sponsor of the Brooklyn Nets basketball club Sponsor of the Brooklyn Nets basketball club
Sponsor of the Russian Chess Federation Sponsor of the Russian Chess Federation
General Sponsor of CSKA Professional Football Club General Sponsor of CSKA Professional Football Club
Official partner and carrier of the Russian National Football Team Official partner and carrier of the Russian National Football Team
Sponsor of the Russian Volleyball Federation Sponsor of the Russian Volleyball Federation