Corporate social responsibility / Environment

Aeroflot continued its work in 2012 to improve energy efficiency and environmental efficiency and to reduce pollution and environmental impacts from company operations, in accordance with the ISO 14000 series of international standards.

Specialists of JSC Aeroflot’s Environmental Protection and Production Control Team carried out 11 scheduled audits at Company divisions during 2012 to check their compliance with environmental legislation.

In November 2012 JSC Aeroflot created an environmental section on its website as part of developing cooperation with SkyTeam alliance partners.

Participation by Aeroflot in the European CO2 Emissions Trading System

In 2012 the Company continued to implement programmes, begun earlier, for fuel saving and transition to more up-to-date and fuel-efficient aircraft, which minimize impact of flight operations on the environment. The whole of JSC Aeroflot‘s fleet complies with ICAO standards for noise levels and emission of atmospheric pollutants.

Aeroflot carried out a number of actions during 2012 associated with EU Directive № 2008/101/ЕС concerning the inclusion of civil aviation in the European system for trading of greenhouse gas (СО2) emission quotas. Specific steps were as follows:

The total sum of environmental payments by Aeroflot in 2012 was RUB 2.1 million. Payment levels rose in 2012 compared with 2011 due to increase of rates of payment for negative environmental impacts in the fourth quarter of 2012 and also due to production of solid waste in excess of statutory limits.

Payments by Aeroflot for negative environmental impacts in 2005-2012 (million rubles)

Payments by Aeroflot for negative environmental impacts in 2005-2012 (million rubles)

Reducing environmental impacts of vehicle transport

A large amount of emissions at airports are not from aircraft but from motor vehicles, including cars. The Company carries out regular instrumental controls and tuning of vehicle fuel systems to ensure their compliance with required toxicity and smoke levels.

A draft document setting maximum allowable emissions (MAE) to the atmosphere from fixed sources at the Sheremetyevo Airport industrial site was prepared and approved in 2011, and a health and hygiene opinion was obtained for the MAE. In August 2012 an MAE compliance check was carried out for paint shops at the Aeroflot Aircraft Maintenance Department and Ground Handling Department. No excessive levels of emissions were found.

Temporary storage of waste

During 2012 Company environmental specialists monitored the state of temporary solid waste storage sites and reviewed recycling work. Most of the shortcomings in observance of waste storage rules by Company sub-divisions, which were identified (storage without proper sanction, inappropriate storage arrangements), were of a minor nature and were quickly corrected.

Aeroflot specialists collected information and accounted for waste flows from Company sub-divisions on a monthly basis through 2012 and compiled waste flow spreadsheets for the Company as a whole.

The following documents were prepared and submitted to environmental authorities during 2012:

Recycling of de-icing fluid

In 2012 JSC Aeroflot made a contract with the waste water operator, CJSC Promvodoconal, to carry out collection and recycling of used de-icing fluid. A total 817 tonnes of waste fluid was collected and recycled in the reporting year. Aeroflot is the only Russian air carrier to practice collection and recycling of de-icing fluid.

Plans for environmental actions in 2013

A number of permits from environmental authorities will expire and require extension in 2013. As part of its application for extension, the Company will design technical reports on invariance of production processes, raw material inputs and waste management, and will carry out studies of industrial emissions prior to installation of air purification equipment.

The system of environmental management, which was deployed in 2009 based on the ISO 14001 international standards, will remain a priority area of development for the Company and will be prepared for certification.

Aeroflot expects to further improve its waste accounting system in 2013 in order to minimize negative environmental impacts.

JSC Aeroflot fuel and energy consumption in 2012

JSC Aeroflot

Item Actual consumption
Volume used Value in thousand rubles (not including VAT)
Aviation fuel, tonnes 1,748,866 49,966,015.18
Heat energy, Gcal 41,372.67 56,162.57
Electric energy, kWh 26,113,600 74,574.68
Vehicle fuel, liters 6,170,558 151,952.67
Aviation lubricants, liters 220,434 109,264.19

JSC Vladivostok Air

Item Actual consumption
Volume used Value in thousand rubles (not including VAT)
Aviation fuel, tonnes 128,120 3,670,146.5
Heat energy, Gcal 7,675 26,333
Electric energy, kWh 2,884,478 10,586
Vehicle fuel, kg 346,729 10,762.91

OJSC Rossiya airlines

Item Actual consumption
Volume used Value in thousand rubles (not including VAT)
Aviation fuel, tonnes 295,106.46 8,602,999.23
Heat energy, Gcal 17,256.28 23,669.6
Electric energy, kWh 7,494,178 21,133.6
Vehicle fuel, liters 1,122,671.7 25,007.1

JSC SAT Airlines

Item Actual consumption
Volume used Value in thousand rubles (not including VAT)
Aviation fuel, tonnes 17,925 589,458
Heat energy, Gcal 1,290 5,309
Electric energy, kWh 758,101 5,072
Vehicle fuel, liters 746,113 19,994

JSC Donavia

Item Actual consumption
Volume used Value in thousand rubles (not including VAT)
Aviation fuel, tonnes 64,905 1,883,182,873
Heat energy, Gcal 1,663 2,497,264
Electric energy, kWh 837,685 2,949,644
Vehicle fuel, liters 375,824 9,055,857