Financial report / Explanations and comments on the Balance Sheet
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Property, plant and equipment

Owned aircraft and engines Leased aircraft and engines Land and buildings Plant, equipment and other Construction in progress Total
1 January 2011 209.1 1,188.6 970.4 531.8 56.5 2,956.4
Additions 25.6 292.8 2.5 15.3 54.7 390.9
Additions of subsidiaries 342.2 98.3 23.8 158.2 622.5
Capitalised overhaul costs 1.1 1.1
Disposals (34.0) (2.5) (16.2) (17.0) (69.7)
Disposal of subsidiary (708.2) (240.7) (25.1) (974.0)
Transfers 3.8 28.3 (32.1)
Foreign currency translation (10.5) (122.8) (2.8) (7.7) (15.6) (159.4)
31 December 2011 191.3 1,700.8 361.5 334.6 179.6 2,767.8
Additions 14.6 670.2 4.2 58.6 81.0 828.6
Capitalised overhaul costs 0.1 15.6 15.7
Disposals (14.2) (18.7) (14.6) (19.2) (228.0) (294.7)
Transfers 3.0 13.0 (16.0)
Transfers to assets held for sale (14.8) (4.9) (19.7)
Foreign currency translation 11.5 118.0 21.2 20.7 7.1 178.5
31 December 2012 203.3 2,485.9 360.5 402.8 23.7 3,476.2
Accumulated depreciation
1 January 2011 (137.6) (319.1) (120.1) (187.6) (4.0) (768.4)
Charge for the year (21.1) (105.1) (28.1) (54.5) (208.8)
Impairment 0.1 (0.4) 3.1 2.8
Disposals 32.3 1.9 10.0 44.2
Disposal of subsidiary 33.8 45.9 79.7
Foreign currency translation 6.4 30.2 (3.3) 19.2 0.4 52.9
31 December 2011 (119.9) (394.0) (115.8) (167.4) (0.5) (797.6)
Charge for the year (23.4) (165.5) (12.9) (43.5) (245.3)
Impairment (0.1) 0.4 0.3
Disposals 11.6 18.7 6.7 14.1 51.1
Transfers to assets held for sale 1.5 1.7 3.2
Foreign currency translation (7.5) (27.0) (6.9) (10.6) (52.0)
31 December 2012 (139.3) (567.8) (127.4) (205.3) (0.5) (1,040.3)
Net book value
31 December 2011 71.4 1,306.8 245.7 167.2 179.1 1,970.2
31 December 2012 64.0 1,918.1 233.1 197.5 23.2 2,435.9
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