Securities / Bonds

Exchange bonds of JSC Aeroflot are traded on the Moscow Exchange, where they are included in the A1 (highest) List, and the bonds are also included in the Lombard List of the Central Bank of Russia (a list of securities which are acceptable as collateral for direct repo transactions). Coupons on Aeroflot’s exchange bonds were paid in full and on schedule in 2011:

Bonds of JSC Aeroflot

Type Full name Number of bonds issued Nominal value, rubles Coupon, % Redemption date Offer Fitch credit rating
Exchange bonds Aeroflot BO-01 6,000,000 1000 7.75 2013-04-08 BB+
Exchange bonds Aeroflot BO-02 6,000000 1000 7.75 2013-04-08 BB+

The bonds were placed in 2010 in order to refinance a loan taken for buy-back of the Company’s own shares, which were in turn exchanged for the shares of six airlines belonging to State Corporation Russian Technologies.

In March 2012 the international rating agency, Fitch Ratings, confirmed for a third time the ratings which it assigned to JSC Aeroflot, as follows: