Financial report / Explanations and comments on the Balance Sheet / 18. Equity accounted investments
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Equity accounted investments

2012 2011
Voting rights Carrying value Voting rights Carrying value
LLC Airport Moscow 50.0% 4.3
CJSC Jetalliance East 49.0% 49.0%
CJSC AeroMASH — AB 45.0% 3.1 45.0% 2.9
Other Various 0.1 Various 0.1
3.2 7.3

The summarised financial information in respect of the Group’s affiliates accounted for by using the equity method based on their respective financial statements prepared for the years ended 31 December 2012 and 2011 is set out below:

2012 2011
Total assets 14.9 29.5
Total liabilities (14.6) (13.4)
Net assets 0.3 16.1
Group’s net carrying amount of equity accounted investments 2.9 7.3
Revenue 73.2 144.3
Profit for the year 3.7 10.0
Loss for the year (0.7) (3.9)
Group’s share of results for the year in equity accounted investments 0.3 0.9
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