Financial report / Explanations and comments on the Balance Sheet / 23. Intangible assets
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Intangible assets

Software Licences Development in progress Trademarks and client base Other Total
1 January 2011 17.6 4.5 29.3 51.4
Additions 20.3 2.2 22.5
Additions of subsidiaries 0.5 57.4 0.1 58.0
Disposal (4.4) (0.1) (4.5)
Transfers 19.4 (19.4)
Foreign currency translation (4.1) (0.3) (5.1) (0.1) (9.6)
31 December 2011 49.3 4.1 12.1 52.3 117.8
Additions 13.1 13.1 26.2
Transfers 4.9 (4.9)
Foreign currency translation 3.1 0.3 0.9 3.2 0.1 7.6
31 December 2012 70.4 4.4 21.2 55.5 0.1 151.6
Accumulated amortisation
1 January 2011 (9.6) (1.2) (10.8)
Charge year (10.4) (0.7) (1.2) (12.3)
Disposal 4.2 0.1 4.3
Foreign currency translation 1.0 0.2 0.1 1.3
31 December 2011 (14.8) (1.6) (1.1) (17.5)
Charge year (14.0) (0.6) (9.2) (23.8)
Foreign currency translation (1.2) (0.1) (0.3) (1.6)
31 December 2012 (30.0) (2.3) (10.6) (42.9)
Net book value
31 December 2011 34.5 2.5 12.1 51.2 100.3
31 December 2012 40.4 2.1 21.2 44.9 0.1 108.7
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