Financial report / Explanations and comments on the Balance Sheet / 36. Operating segments
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Operating segments

The Group has four reportable segments, as described below, which are the Group’s strategic business units. The strategic business units offer different products and services, and are managed separately because they require different technology and marketing strategies. For each of the strategic business units, the Group’s General Director reviews internal management reports on at least a quarterly basis. The following summary describes the operations in each of the Group’s reportable segments:

There are also other operating segments. However, none of these segments meet any of the quantitative thresholds for determining reportable segments in 2012 and 2011. For the segment Airport terminal — Sheremetyevo-3 terminal which was disposed in 2011 comparative information is presented.

Information regarding the results of each reportable segment is included below. Performance is measured based on segment sales revenue and operating profit, as included in the internal management reports that are reviewed by the Group’s General Director. Segment sales revenue and operating profit is used to measure performance as management believes that such information is the most relevant in evaluating the results of certain segments relative to other entities that operate within these industries. Inter-segment pricing is determined on an arm’s length basis.

Airline Catering Hotels Terminal Other Elimi-nations Total Group
External sales 7,914.4 26.4 22.5 174.8 8,138.1
Inter-segment sales 0.1 208.0 13.5 6.1 (227.7)
Total revenue 7,914.5 234.4 36.0 180.9 (227.7) 8,138.1
Operating profit/(loss) 316.3 25.6 7.4 15.4 (7.0) 357.7
Finance income 166.4
Finance costs (166.7)
Share of income in associates 0.3
Profit before income tax 357.7
Income tax (191.4)
Profit for the year 166.3
As at 31 December 2012
Segment assets 6,222.3 75.4 34.9 132.6 (387.0) 6,078.2
Associates 3.2 3.2
Unallocated assets 164.5
Consolidated total assets 6,245.9
Segment liabilities 4,520.4 37.3 31.1 107.6 (168.6) 4,527.8
Unallocated liabilities 91.8
Consolidated total liabilities 4,619.6
Capital expenditure (Note 22) 827.9 9.1 6.4 0.9 844.3
Depreciation and amortisation 263.8 2.1 1.4 1.8 269.1
Goodwill impairment 43.6 43.6
External sales 5,118.4 24.7 21.8 69.2 143.8 5,377.9
Inter-segment sales 6.0 150.0 12.6 119.6 0.6 (288.8)
Total revenue 5,124.4 174.7 34.4 188.8 144.4 (288.8) 5,377.9
Operating profit/(loss) 309.2 18.6 8.0 64.8 (5.7) (6.6) 388.3
Finance income 440.3
Finance costs (244.2)
Share of income in associates 0.9 0.9
Profit before income tax 585.3
Income tax (94.0)
Profit for the year 491.3
As at 31 December 2011
Segment assets 5,346.5 47.4 28.5 328.1 (626.3) 5,124.2
Associates 5.8 5.8
Unallocated assets 205.9
Consolidated total assets 5,335.9
Segment liabilities 1,336.3 25.3 6.3 18.4 (130.2) 1,256.1
Unallocated liabilities 2,675.6
Consolidated total liabilities 3,931.7
Capital expenditure (Note 22) 376.1 2.5 3.6 8.8 1.0 392.0
Additions of subsidiaries 622.5 622.5
Depreciation and amortisation 174.8 1.8 1.4 41.4 1.7 221.1
Non-recoverable VAT (Note 9) 4.4 4.4
2012 2011
Scheduled passenger revenue:
International flights from Russian Federation to:
Europe 1,032.8 743.4
Asia 582.1 404.3
North America 111.3 78.4
Other 75.3 56.5
1,801.5 1,282.6
International flights to Russian Federation from:
Europe 1,033.7 748.0
Asia 652.4 421.6
North America 108.6 79.4
Other 73.5 56.3
1,868.2 1,305.3
Domestic flights 2,562.0 1,518.5
Other international flights 15.3 3.5
6,247.0 4,109.9
Cargo revenue:
International flights from Russian Federation to:
Europe 8.8 8.0
Asia 21.6 17.1
North America 1.3 1.9
Other 0.7 0.6
32.4 27.6
International flights to Russian Federation from:
Europe 29.7 25.0
Asia 90.0 71.8
North America 5.8 4.1
Other 0.4 0.3
125.9 101.2
Other international flights 70.3 63.0
Domestic flights 135.1 85.9
363.7 277.7
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