Financial report / Explanations and comments on the Balance Sheet / 8. Staff costs
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Staff costs

2012 2011
Wages and salaries 1,026.4 731.6
Pension costs 162.7 105.5
Social security costs 52.7 33.0
1,241.8 870.1

Pension costs include compulsory payments to the Russian Federation Pension Fund (“RFPF”), contributions to a non-government pension fund under a defined contribution plan, and an increase in the net present value of the future benefits which the Group expects to pay to its employees upon their retirement under a defined benefit pension plan, as follows:

2012 2011
Payments to the RFPF 159.4 105.1
Defined contribution pension plan 0.3 0.3
Defined benefit pension plan 3.0 0.1
162.7 105.5
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