Financial report / Consolidated Financial Statements

Consolidated financial statements

(All amounts in millions of US dollars )
Note 2012 2011
Traffic revenue 5 7,118.2 4,465.7
Other revenue 6 1,019.9 912.2
Revenue 8,138.1 5,377.9
Operating costs 7 (6,191.4) (4,006.4)
Staff costs 8 (1,241.8) (870.1)
Depreciation and amortisation 22, 23 (269.1) (221.1)
Other (expenses)/income, net 9 (78.1) 108.0
Operating costs (7,780.4) (4,989.6)
Operating profit 357.7 388.3
Finance income 10 166.4 440.3
Finance costs 10 (166.7) (244.2)
Share of results of equity accounted investments 18 0.3 0.9
Profit before income tax 357.7 585.3
Income tax 11 (191.4) (94.0)
Profit for the year 166.3 491.3
Attributable to:
Shareholders of the Company 222.1 524.6
Non-controlling interest (55.8) (33.3)
166.3 491.3
Basic earnings per share (US cents) 21.3 51.9
Diluted earnings per share (US cents) 21.1 51.0
Weighted average number of shares outstanding (millions) 1,044.2 1,010.7
Weighted average number of diluted shares outstanding (millions) 1,054.9 1,028.7
Chief Executive Officer
V. G. Saveliev

 V. G. Saveliev
Deputy CEO for
Commerce and Finance
Sh. R. Kurmashov

Sh. R. Kurmashov

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income statements

(All amounts in millions of US dollars )
Note 2012 2011
Profit for the year 166.3 491.3
Other comprehensive income:
Net change in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets transferred to profit and loss (0.1) (0.3)
Exchange differences on translating to presentation currency 100.3 (108.3)
Gain/(loss) on hedge instrument 25 26.1 (6.3)
Deferred tax related to the loss on hedge instrument 11 (2.3) 3.8
Other comprehensive income for the year 124.0 (111.1)
Total comprehensive income for the year 290.3 380.2
Total comprehensive income attributable to:
Shareholders of the Company 352.3 403.5
Non-controlling interest (62.0) (23.3)

Consolidated statement of financial position

(All amounts in millions of US dollars )
Note 2012 2011
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 12 496.2 393.1
Short-term investments 13 4.8 21.0
Accounts receivable and prepayments 14 1,622.2 1,467.4
Aircraft lease deposits 8.1 2.7
Expendable spare parts and inventories 15 141.1 118.3
Assets classified as held for sale 16 60.1
Non-current assets
Equity accounted investments 18 3.2 7.3
Long-term investments 19 200.2 191.2
Aircraft lease deposits 35.4 29.1
Deferred tax assets 11 95.7 140.1
Other non-current assets 20 270.4 205.9
Prepayments for aircraft 21 445.6 432.9
Property, plant and equipment 22 2,435.9 1,970.2
Derivative instruments 25 92.5 1.3
Intangible assets 23 108.7 100.3
Goodwill 24 225.8 255.1
3,913.4 3,333.4
TOTAL ASSETS 6,245.9 5,335.9
Current liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 26 989.1 1,052.7
Unearned transportation revenue 27 502.9 371.4
Deferred revenue related to frequent flyer programme, current 28 11.8 8.1
Provisions 29 4.4 2.5
Short-term borrowings 31 466.0 378.2
Finance lease liabilities 30 246.3 202.8
Liabilities associated with assets classified as held for sale 16 25.5
2,246.0 2,015.7
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings 32 240.0 388.3
Finance lease liabilities 30 1,635.4 1,296.7
Provisions 29 3.0 6.1
Deferred tax liabilities 11 73.7 41.2
Deferred revenue related to frequent flyer programme, non-current 28 45.2 32.5
Derivative instruments 25 145.4 30.8
Other non-current liabilities 33 230.9 120.4
2,373.6 1,916.0
Share capital 34 51.6 51.6
Treasury stock 34 (129.5) (131.7)
Accumulated gain on disposal of treasury shares 49.2 48.3
Investment revaluation reserve (0.4) (0.3)
Cumulative translation reserve (167.6) (274.1)
Hedge reserve 25 17.0 (6.8)
Share based payment reserve 38 6.8 10.7
Retained earnings 1,948.1 1,790.7
Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company 1,775.2 1,488.4
Non-controlling interest (148.9) (84.2)
Total equity 1,626.3 1,404.2

Consolidated statement of cash flows

(All amounts in millions of US dollars )
Note 2012 2011
Cash flows from operating activities:
Profit before income tax 357.7 585.3
Adjustments to reconcile profit before taxation to net cash provided by operating activities:
Depreciation and amortisation 22, 23 269.1 221.1
Change in impairment allowance for bad and doubtful debts 14 12.3 23.1
Accounts receivable write off 9 12.3 5.0
Change in impairment allowance for obsolete inventory (0.5) 1.8
Change in impairment of property, plant and equipment 22 (0.3) (2.8)
Non-cash operations, related to assets held for sale —  19.1
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment 9.3 15.2
Accounts payable write off 9 (9.2) (5.2)
Share of results in equity accounted investments 18 (0.3) (0.9)
Loss/(gain) on disposal and impairment of investments 10 10.0 (424.0)
Change in tax and legal provisions 29 (1.7) (8.2)
Loss/(gain) on revaluation of hedging instrument 10 33.0 (1.5)
Interest expense 10 110.9 130.4
Unrealised foreign exchange (gain)/loss 10 (89.2) 113.8
VAT write off 9 3.3 4.4
VAT recovery 9 —  (55.1)
Share based payment reserve 38 0.2 4.9
Decrease in other provisions and other assets impairments (1.7) (1.3)
Custom duty recovery 9 —  (38.9)
Other non-cash income (4.7) (1.6)
Other finance (income)/expense, net (48.4) — 
Gain on hedging instrument, net (2.1) — 
Dividend income (3.6) (0.6)
Goodwill write off 9 43.6 — 
Operating profit before working capital changes 700.0 584.0
Change in accounts receivable and prepayments and other non-current assets (216.1) (207.2)
Change in expendable spare parts and inventories (44.9) (13.3)
Change in accounts payable and accrued liabilities 232.7 131.0
671.7 494.5
Income tax paid (153.0) (125.7)
Income tax received 21.9 0.4
Net cash flows from operating activities 540.6 369.2
Cash flows from investing activities:
Proceeds from sale of investments 23.0 14.0
Purchases of investments (12.7) (17.8)
Proceeds from sale of equity accounted investments 1.8 78.9
Proceeds from sale of subsidiary company, net 36.2 89.1
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 87.5 6.8
Purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (167.1) (128.2)
Dividends received 3.4 1.0
Predelivery lease prepayments, net 68.4 (478.0)
Net cash flows used in investing activities 40.5 (434.2)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from borrowings 605.5 530.5
Repayment of borrowing (703.9) (389.6)
Sale of treasury stock 9.9 17.0
Purchases of treasury stock (0.2) (102.9)
Repayment of the principal element of finance lease liabilities (291.9) (122.6)
Interest paid (75.3) (100.4)
Dividends paid (62.2) (35.5)
Proceeds from hedging instrument 16.5 14.3
Net cash flows used in financing activities (501.6) (189.2)
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations 23.6 (13.1)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 103.1 (267.3)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 393.1 660.4
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 12 496.2 393.1
Supplemental cash flow information:
Interest received 10 13.9 14.8
Non-cash investing and financing activities:
Property, plant and equipment acquired under finance leases 685.2 292.8

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

(All amounts in millions of US dollars )
Share capital Treasury stock Investment
revaluation reserve
translation reserve
Hedge reserve Share based
payment reserve
Retained earnings Attributable to shareholders
of the Company
1 January 2011 51.6 (79.1) (155.8) (4.3) 12.7 1,302.5 1,127.6 27.3 1,154.9
Profit for the year 524.6 524.6 (33.3) 491.3
Foreign currency translation for the year (118.3) (118.3) 10.0 (108.3)
Gain on investments available-for-sale (0.3) (0.3) (0.3)
Gain on hedging instrument (2.5) (2.5) (2.5)
Total comprehensive income 403.5 (23.3) 380.2
Acquisition of subsidiary (92.7) (92.7)
Disposal of subsidiary 2.7 2.7
Share based compensation (2.0) (2.0) (2.0)
Gain on disposal of treasury stock 20.3 20.3 20.3
Purchases of treasury stock (23.5) (23.5) (23.5)
Foreign currency translation for the year (1.1) 3.6 2.5 2.5
Dividends (40.0) (40.0) 1.8 (38.2)
31 December 2011 51.6 (83.4) (0.3) (274.1) (6.8) 10.7 1,790.7 1,488.4 (84.2) 1,404.2
1 January 2012 51.6 (83.4) (0.3) (274.1) (6.8) 10.7 1,790.7 1,488.4 (84.2) 1,404.2
Profit for the year 222.1 222.1 (55.8) 166.3
Foreign currency translation for the year (0.1) 106.5 106.4 (6.2) 100.2
Gain on hedging instrument 23.8 23.8 23.8
Total comprehensive income 352.3 (62.0) 290.3
Share based compensation (3.9) (3.9) (3.9)
Gain on disposal of treasury stock 4.6 4.6 4.6
Other movements in treasury stock 9.8 9.8 9.8
Foreign currency translation for the year (11.3) —  (11.3) (11.3)
Dividends (64.7) (64.7) (2.7) (67.4)
31 December 2012 51.6 (80.3) (0.4) (167.6) 17.0 6.8 1,948.1 1,775.2 (148.9) 1,626.3