История посещенных страниц
  1. About the Company
  2. История посещенных страниц
  3. Corporate governance principles
  4. Aircraft fleet and route network of Aeroflot Group
  5. Board of Directors
  6. Мой отчет
  7. Revision Committee
  8. Business risks
  9. Acclaim for the Company from passengers and professionals
  10. Statement of Management Responsibility for the Preparation and Approval
  11. Securities
  12. The Air Transport Market. Industry Position of the Company and Group
  13. Servicing and repairs
  14. Consolidated Financial Statements
  15. Meetings of Shareholders in 2012
  16. Bonds
  17. Aeroflot today
  18. Operating results
  19. List of Aeroflot offices
  20. Disclaimer
  21. Contact Information
  22. Information on stakes in charter capital held by members of governing bodies
  23. Operating risks
  24. Terms and abbreviations used in this Annual Report
  25. Committees of the Board of Directors
  26. Main page
  27. Key indicators in 2012
  28. The multi brand platform of Aeroflot Group
  29. Executive Board
  30. Letter from the Deputy CEO for Commerce and Finance
  31. Information on large transactions and related party transactions
  32. Information disclosure
  33. The Russian Market
  34. Letter from the Chairman of the Board of Directors
  35. Site Map
  36. Risk management and risk mitigation
  37. Обращение Генерального директора
  38. Заголовок раздела
  39. Financial report
  40. Legal risks
  41. 19. Long-term investments
  42. Development strategy
  43. Капитальные вложения
  44. Расчет оценки стоимости чистых активов ОАО «Аэрофлот»
  45. Финансовые результаты
  46. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
  47. Агрегированный отчет о прибылях и убытках ОАО «Аэрофлот» за 2012 год
  48. Marketing and sales
  49. Information on observance of the Code of Corporate Conduct
  50. Обращение Председателя Cовета директоров
  51. 24. Impairment analysis for cash generating unit carrying
  52. Описание заемных средств
  53. 1. Nature of the business
  54. 3. Significant estimates
  55. 12. Cash and cash equivalents
  56. Safety
  57. Обратная связь
  58. Corporate governance
  59. Overview of financial results
  60. Independent Auditor`s Report
  61. The Air Cargo Market
  62. Route network
  63. Letter from the Chief Executive officer
  64. Committees of the Executive Board
  65. Share capital
  66. Dividend policy
  67. Environment
  69. 2. Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies
  70. 30. Finance lease liabilities
  71. 15. Expendable spare parts and inventories
  72. Information on execution in 2012 of instructions from the President and Government of the Russian Federation
  73. Main events
  74. Популярные страницы
  75. 36. Operating segments
  76. 26. Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
  77. HR Policy
  78. Strategic goals and directions for development
  79. 14. Accounts receivable and prepayments
  80. Доходы от авиаперевозок и выполненных услуг
  81. Карта сайта
  82. Brand development and service quality improvement
  83. Центр загрузки
  84. Appendixes
  85. 8. Staff costs
  86. Information technologies, innovation and R&D
  87. Risk management
  88. Operations by airline subsidiaries and affiliates
  89. Group structure
  90. Business overview
  91. Operating statistics of Aeroflot Group airlines
  92. Description of risks
  93. 9. Other (Expenses)/Income, Net
  94. 7. Operating costs
  95. 6. Other revenue
  96. 4. Adoption of new or revised standards and interpretations
  97. 28. Deferred revenue related to frequent flyer programme
  98. 35. Dividends
  99. 34. Share capital
  100. 37. Risk connected with financial instruments
  101. 38. Related party transactions
  102. 33. Other non-current liabilities
  103. 32. Long-term borrowings
  104. 31. Short-term borrowings
  105. 29. Provisions
  106. 27. Unearned transportation revenue
  107. 25. Derivative instruments
  108. 23. Intangible assets
  109. 22. Property, plant and equipment
  110. 21. Prepayments for aircraft
  111. 20. Other non-current assets
  112. 18. Equity accounted investments
  113. 39. Commitments under operating leases
  114. 40. Capital commitments
  115. 41. Contingencies
  116. 42. Subsequent events
  117. 16. Assets classified as held for sale
  118. 13. Short-term investments
  119. 11. Income tax
  120. 17. Business combination
  121. 10. Finance income and costs
  122. Charity and social programmes
  123. Financial risks
  124. Aircraft fleet
  125. The International Market
  126. Расходы от эксплуатационной деятельности
  127. Corporate social responsibility
  128. Search
  129. Авторизация